Saturday, February 27, 2021

Wiley Wallaby Taste Party - Tryazon


 I must admit, as soon as I opened the packages to set up for the sampling party. I was very impressed with the aroma coming out of the bags. You could feel how fresh it all was, as the guests and myself sampled the items. 

The sour was not to bad, watching my God son make the funny faces he did when he ate one, was very entertaining. The most popular flavor was Watermelon. Green Apple was my God Son's favorite. I was the only one that loved the back licorice. Strawberry and Watermelon where liked the most by the men. 

I had 7 guests at my sampling party. All where excited to try something new. Giving away 3 bags as prizes was a huge hit. It was a great way to spend a afternoon.


Sampling Sour 

Berry Flavor



