Monday, December 12, 2022

Poetry for Neanderathals

 If you want a game, that makes you think, but is still a lot of fun. Then Poetry for Neanderthals is the game for you! We spent a lot of time laughing but also thinking on what the person was trying to say. Favorite part of the game was the "No" stick! My grandson, enjoyed hitting us with the no stick a little to much! He was to little to play, so we let him be in charge of hitting people lol.

The one thing I really appreciate is, that not only does it comes with the rules, it also tells you where the video on how to play it is! or

Now I will say, what added to the fun, is a few of us had a few drinks, adding to the interesting comments. 

I think this game is great for adults, as well as teens! 

I want to thank Tryazon for picking me to review this game.please ignore no smiles when I took the pictures while we were reading the cards.