Thursday, October 29, 2015

Sound Intone I65 Stereo Headphones with Microphone for Iphone and Android Devices (Black/gold)

These #Sound Intone 165 Stereo Headphones are very sharp looking. The ones I received are black and gold. They fold in half and are easy to store. They work very well considering they are a inexpensive set. They don't come with a carrying case but that is fine. They will easily fit in with your carry on luggage if you take them on a trip. If you use them for working out doors perhaps listening to music while you do yard work, they work awesome.. they cancel out the sound and the music makes the time go faster while you work. Personally I like headphones better then ear buds, ear buds hurt my ears. These are very comfortable to wear. Plus if you are traveling others can't hear what you are listening to.

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