Sunday, March 13, 2016

Best Rolling Pin I Have Ever Used

#rollermaster rolling pin is ideal for those who like to bake. It is non stick and easy to handle. I like that you can warm it up by running it under warm water, or cool it down by placing it in the fridge or running cold water over it. Ideal for any type of baking you might be doing. Because it is made of non porous stainless steel, it prevents cross contamination. This is awesome! Because cross contamination happens alot in our kitchens with out us often even realizing it. The handle bars on it, prevent your wrists from getting strained. I can remember my grandma using a conventional rolling pin and making lots and lots of pies, or other things out of dough and her wrists getting sore. This rolling pin is also dish washer safe, so easy clean up! If you wish to purchase this rolling pin, you can at I received one of these at a huge discount cost. This review is my own, honest, fair and unbiased personal opinion!

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