Sunday, March 5, 2017

Turkey Duck Chicken Nuggets

I was privileged to be selected one of the 100 people that received a sample and review a new product not yet in stores from I deliberately did not tell my family what they where made of! I knew the second they heard the word "duck" they would not even try them. Last night we had them for supper. All they where told was it was a product I was testing and reviewing and I wanted their honest opinion. The nuggets arrived in a styrofoam container, that also has dry ice in it to keep the product cold. The Turkey Duck Chicken nuggets are very easy to cook up. You cook them like any other nugget. After every one was done eating them, I asked what they thought. Every one said the exact same thing.. They all thought it was a pork nugget that tasted like sausage because of the spice in it. When I told them what they really where made of, they all got that same eww face, and agreed they never would have tried them if they had know what it was. How ever were glad they did. They are perfect bite size. My mother in law thought they would make perfect appetizers. The only thing they did not like was the red dot in they could see in the nugget. Now this is not blood etc, it is actually the duck meat! The nuggets are breaded like most other nuggets. You can eat the plain or with dipping sauce of your choice. I severed them with french fries but you could also serve them with other kinds of finger foods, like cheese sticks, deep fried asparagus etc. I would even say they would work great with mashed or roasted potatoes. If you are looking for something different with a twist. I really would suggest you try these!

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