Saturday, April 14, 2018

Day Time/ Night Vision Visor

Do you get blinded by the sun? Even if you put your visor down, the sun still manages to effect your vision. What about driving at night? Do car lights bother you. Well there is a product that deals with both of these problems. Maybe you should get Sun Visor Extender, Car Anti-Glare Tinted Windshield Extender + Bonus Side window Sunshade,Day and Night Vision Anti-Dazzle Sun Visor Goggles. That are available at So what makes these so special. The orange one has a anti glare design, reduces the glare of the sun, helping you prevent fatigue of your eyes. It also helps filter out 90% of harmful ultraviolet light, that comes from the sun. The grey one, is for driving at night, taking the glare of the on coming car lights, and reduces the amount of light that reaches your eyes. Making it easier to drive and not get that deer in the head light face, from on coming traffic. Or helps your eyes form getting so tired while you drive. When you order this, you get a orange and grey shield as well as suction cups and of course the clips that allow you to mount it to your visor. Now what if the sun light is bothering a passenger and not the driver. Because of the suction cups. you can put the visors on the passengers windows so they are not effected by the sun, making them more comfortable. You also get a bonus, you get to sun shades that can be put on passenger windows as well.

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