Sunday, September 6, 2020

Joy For All Tuxedo Cat - Companion Pet

 This was a gift for my mom. My mom has Parkinson's disease, and dementia is starting to begin. She has a huge love of animals, but because of her failing health, and where she lives, she is no longer allowed to have a pet. When I discovered the Tuxedo Cat, I knew she would love it. These realistic animals come in a variety of styles and you can get them in cat or dog form. Just do a simple search for Joy For All Companion Pets. I found this one on Amazon. 

It is so realistic, it starts to purr the moment it is turned on and touched, it meows, and rolls over, grooms itself etc. The best part is, it is very calming! Because she lives in a assisted living facility, I also got a cat collar for it, with my mom's name on it. These animals are becoming very popular in homes for the elderly or disabled or those who just need more care then loved ones can give them. With her name on it, no one will be able to say it is not hers.

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