Friday, September 16, 2016

Fizz Free And Dries Your Hair Faster

Well when I first opened the #thecurlyco Microfiber towel, the first thing I thought was it reminded me of velour. All I could think was how is this going to keep my hair frizz free, and dry it faster. Well only one way to find if something works or not, and that is to try it! So I did.. WOW does it work well. It is a nice size, I have what they consider long hair, and all my hair fit in the towel when I wrapped it up. Now I know some of you like me that have long hair, often when you wrap your hair up in a towel some of your hair is still hanging out of the towel. My hair takes a long time to dry. This really helped it dry faster. It pulled so much water out, unlike conventional towels. It folds up easy, and does not take up much room. It also goes through the laundry really well. The other thing I like about it, is if you have curly hair, your curls dry but stay curly! This towel also comes with a money back guarantee. If you are interested in purchasing this item. You can at I received a digital coupon code that reduce the cost of this item. My review is fair, honest and unbiased.

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