Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Funky Goggs

#FunkyGoggs We had WAAAAAAAAAAAY to much fun with these! Ok they are not the most flattering things to wear. But wow do they mess with your eye site and you are defiantly going to see the world differently. It is like looking through a kaleidoscope. For those who try them on.. you will understand how a fly sees the world lol. Now I have to admit, the nasty side of me came out when I was messing with these glasses. I told one of my co-workers these would be way to much fun, if you where at a party, some one passed out, or got into something they shouldn't have. Put these on their eyes, and when they come to, they are going to think their eyes really are messed up! Like I said not very nice, but it would be very funny! I owe my coworker a huge shout out for helping me with this by posing for pics lol For those of you who would love to get these and have some fun you can do so at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JO5CP5Y

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