Wednesday, June 14, 2017

SwiftSpin Spinner

Spinners are getting to be more and more popular. Even though they where originally designed to help autistic,ADD. Anxiety or ADHD kids/adults ADD. Every one seems to be wanting to get one. They are quiet, stress relievers, and what I like about it, they are getting kids off their electronic devices. I know there have been posts of facebook showing how they come apart, and pieces are getting in kids mouths. Remember you get what you pay for! If you only pay a dollar for something, you can't expect it to last as long as something that is more well made and might cost more. Fidget Spinner by #SWIFTSPIN is quiet, with high quality bearings, and you can get it to spin up to 3-5 minutes. It also comes with a high quality case to store it in. I have been hearing teachers are not fans of the fidget spinners. Personally I like the idea of a child playing with a spinner quietly after their school work is done, and not disturbing other classmates instead of wanting to play on their cell phones! The tri spinner makes it easy to relax and stay focused. Plus it can help get rid of your bad habits and increase concentration. You can get your own at

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