Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Emoji Pillow/Doll

Emoji's are every where. They are coming in more and more styles. I have seen them in a pillow form, but not like this. Its a doll! It is so soft! Very easy to clean, and that is a good thing considering if a child has this, and takes it every where they are going to get it dirty, and it is not going to stay this bright yellow long, Emoji's are great for expressing how you feel, or just to get some one smiling. This one is perfect for those moments you just need to stick your tongue out lol. Its about 12.5 inches tall, but it can also be used for a pillow not just a toy. So you get two in one, a pillow and a toy! With little ones, you can take this with you, and if they are playing they have something to play with, but if they crash and need a nap, wallah! Its a pillow too! I would love to take this to work, it would come in handy so many times when you are dealing with people. How ever don't think having something sticking its tongue out at every one would be a good idea.. hmm I could hide it behind the till, na better not! It is well made, the stitching is tight so it should stand up to lots of washes. #AD if you are interested, you can get it at…/B07…/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00…

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