Thursday, October 12, 2017

Cat Toy

Cat toys, this is one thing I find that there is a wide variety in. Of course this depends on your cat! I have 3 cats, and all of them like different toys. This sisal rope ball is safe for cats and dogs. The rope on it, won't hurt the animal. I have to admit, that there is 8 cats in our house. The 3 older ones are upstairs with hubby and I. The other 5 belong to my mother in law, sister in law and brother in law. Elli and Alley cat the upstairs cats, sniffed the toy and walked away, and decided it was not play time! How ever, Grayson, who is 2 yrs, and Calli, who is about 6 months ago, (they live down stairs) where intrigued by it. Cali was afraid of it at first, but it didn't take long for her to start having fun with it. When she was playing with it, she would crap all 4 paws around it and use her back paws to beat the ball up. The ball is a good size, 2.6 inches, and for my Canadian friends reading this, that is 6.5 cm. The ball rolls really well. You can take the rope that is holding the feathers on it, to tie to something else, so the cats can play with it in higher places. If you are playing with a dog with this ball, you can teach him to play fetch and bring it back to you. If you are interested in getting one of these, you can do so #AD

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