Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Self Adhesive Labels

Looking for labels? Or perhaps stickers you can use for name tags for a family reunion or school reunion? I think these would be a great thing to have. They even come in 5 different colors so if you want to color code the labels you can! Really easy to use, come with a plastic storage bag to keep the un-used labels in. Not a bad price either!I know personally hubby needs to get really organized. So these labels are going to be great.He can label what is inside the totes, or drawers where he stores his tools etc. And we can not forget the kids. Some kids love putting name tags on their stuffed animals. Or starting preschool, mom can put a label on their coats saying "Hi my name is..." I have discovered, cats do not like it when one of these labels gets stuck on their feet. Ha ha ha. My one cat thought she would help me, and lets just say she was not happy when she could not get it off her paw. After laughing I did go save her and take it off. If you are interested in these they are available at

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