Friday, August 26, 2016

Greaet Addition To Your Skin Care Routine

I decided to try this after a really hot day, just to see if it would clean out my pours and make my skin feel great. Well I was happy with the results. After putting water on my face to dampen my skin I placed a small amount of the #Swissvita Facial Cleanser on my hand, then started washing my face. Using circular motions, avoiding my eyes. Making sure to get my forehead, cheeks, chin, nose and neck. I love how it feels on my skin. It is creamy but not heavy. You can feel your skin getting cleaner, getting rid of all that dirt that creates black heads and white heads. It is not harsh. I love that you can use this morning and night. The moisturizer in it, helps with fine lines and wrinkles so you get great looking skin! #Swissvita #cleanser #AC-11® #deepclean #allskincare. I took a before and after pic of what my face looks like. You can see my face looks cleaner and it is shiny because I took the pic while my face was still damp from washing. it. I think this is a great addition to your skin care routine. You can find this at I received a coupon code for this product. My review is fair, honest and unbiased.

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