Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Medium and Small Iridescent Plates

This really is a pretty plate. I love this medium sized #iridescentplate. The plate seems to change all kinds of colors. Really adding a touch of class to your table. This would make such a nice desert dish, or put fruit on it and wrap it in cellophane and you have created a beautiful gift basket! The pattern on the plate reminds you of a peacock. And like peacock feathers the iridescent colors appear to change color. Making it very pretty. This would make a lovely addition to your home. You could put it on your coffee table as a accent piece or as a gift to a friend, or wedding, anniversary gift. Or a gift just because. The plate arrives very well packaged. It is surrounded by Styrofoam make sure it does not break. The small #iridescentplate is a peacock blue to me.. not as iridescent as another plate I have. But that is what makes Iridescent items you unique they all have their own color scheme when they hit the light. This is about the size of a desert plate. It would look lovely on top of another plate or used as a accent plate. If you would like to purchase these items you can do so at and at I received a coupon code that greatly reduced the cost of this item for me. My review is fair, honest and unbiased.

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