Monday, August 1, 2016

Great Umbrella

What a great umbrella, so compact. Comes in a variety of colors! I love how it has a button on the handle that opens and closes it! Comes with a nice little cover to protect your umbrella when you are not using it. Perfect for your car, or fits in your purse if you have a medium size purse or bigger. You could even through it in a diaper bag, just in case it rains while you are out with little ones. The rubberized handle is really easy to hang on to! The entire umbrella is light weight, and easy to carry opened or closed. Comes back with a life time guarantee. Unique Frame Systems are made of Premium Fiberglass and High Quality Stainless steel. Do you know what that means no RUST! Not easily broke either. I am not saying it will not break.. because there are extreme weather conditions you could find yourself in that could cause the umbrella to break, like for example when you are in very high winds! This umbrella has a double canopy, which means the wind can pass through it but it prevents it from flipping inside out, like many other umbrellas do. I received a coupon code that allowed me to get this at a heavily reduce cost. My review is fair, honest and unbiased.

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