Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wonderful Face Cream

Now I have to admit, that when I first seen the price on this I was like ARE YOU SERIOUS! Then I thought to myself.. well now a days the expression you get what you pay for is way to true. I strongly believe in taking care of my skin, and having it look its very best. This #facecream really does feel so good on your skin. You do not need much at all. The only thing I don't like about it is the light scent. I personally prefer no scent at all in my skin care products. I was amazed how I could feel my skin soaking in the anti-aging cream. It thick, but it does not feel heavy. You don't fell like you have face cream on. Now the other thing I LOVE!! is the bottle. It is so nice. The bottle is a perfect match to what you would expect from a high end facecream. The other down side I found on this, is this is for women only.. the only reason I say that is because of the scent that is in it. If you would like to purchase this product you can do so at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004B9C8MO I received a coupon for this product that greatly reduced the cost of it. My review is honest, fair and unbiased

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