Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Night Lights

I ordered these #Lunara night lights to help light up areas in the house that get no window light at night. You know the type of places you will stub your to every time if you are trying to find your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you are half awake lol. You get a two in a package. LUNARA is rated to last 40,000 hours. That is a really long time. I them in different areas of the house. They only work in plug ins that have flat covers! If you have fancy covers on your plug outlets they will not work. #Lunara lights light up with the level in your room and automatically. As the room gets darker, the more light that comes through and as the sun rises your #lunara lights will dim and shut off automatically. If you want to purchase this item you can do so at I received a coupon code, and it reduced the cost of this item. My review is fair, honest, and unbiased

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